Week 5, Saturday


We all boarded the buses for an NYPD escort to the NYPD’s Emergency Service Unit (ESU), which is headquartered in Brooklyn on the grounds of an old US Coast Guard facility.   The ESU unit is comprised of 400 officers, SWAT, K9’s, Heavy Rescure, Air Support, Dive Team and many other specialty trained units.  We spent half the day there given tours, demos and the opportunity to hang out and talk with many who worked in the elite section.  


After having lunch at the ESU site we boarded buses and headed to NYPD Headquarters (lower Manhattan) for a tour of their main facility referred to as 1PP or One Police Plaza.

The main auditorium is frequently used for promotions and award ceremonies.   We received tours and presentations of the CompStat room, the Real Crime Center and the Joint Operations Center.

After spending the second half of the day at NYPD Headquarters, students were given the choice to either ride the buses back to the hotel or join an NY FBI agent on a walking tour back.  I chose the walking tour and I am glad I did… 

We walked to the middle of the Brooklyn Bridge, which was built between 1869 and 1883. 

We then walked to Foley Square where the buildings of the United States District Court and the New York State Superior Court is located.  The steps to the building pictured were featured in many movies. In the film of The Godfather the Corleone Family enforcer, Al Neri, assassinates Don Emilio Barzini on these very steps.

We then walked through China Town, then my favorite… Little Italy where we actually stopped and had Cannolis.

After little Italy, we walked straight to the hotel, still catching some pretty amazing views.  

At 8:PM we all met at a pretty famous Italian place for dinner called Carmine’s, which was arranged by the NYPD. It was an amazing nine course meal, all you can eat! It was an incredible evening. 

Week 5, Thursday


Today, was a full day of classes that included another block of PT in the gym.   Between the run yesterday and gym today, I am a little sore just about everywhere.  

It snowed for a couple hours today, just about everywhere except the sidewalks; which is kinda weird (jk). 

I had a light dinner and am now getting packed for New York.  We are scheduled to leave for New York at 2 PM (probably 3pm) after class tomorrow and we’ll be there until Sunday.  There is a busy schedule in New York with several VIP tours set up by NYPD, which I am greatly looking forward to.  It will take about 5-hours for us to reach Time Square, which should put us there around 8 or 9p.  We will be staying at the Westin Inn right in Time Square.   I will be sure to share some of the experience.

Over & out. 

Week 5, Wednesday


The first thing on my mind today was my appreciation of my Chief of Police, Paul Capraro, for support and him covering for me while I attend the FBI National Academy.  Since day one, he has encouraged and supported me to attend this academic and physical challenge, which I am truly appreciative of.  I wrote him today to express my gratitude. Chief Paul Capraro is also a graduate of the FBI National Academy.   I am fortunate to work for a leader whom I respect and truly enjoy serving with.

Today, most of the class was focused on the 5k run that was scheduled as part of this week’s challenge called the “Lion’s Leap.”  We had breakfast at 0600 hours and we assembled in the gym at 0830 hours.   To be honest, I didn’t know what to make of this challenge, as the previous challenges had seriously kicked my butt.  With this challenge being 3.1 miles, I honestly figured I would only run some of it and then just walk the rest.

Before the run…

One of our classmates with a sense of humor prior to the run!

Before the run

Getting ready

Once we got started, I found myself running next to an instructor named Leann, who would not let me stop running.  Her inspiration and encouraging words kept me running through the entire challenge.  I finished running the whole thing thanks to her.  To be honest, I do not think I personally had run a 5k since the police academy some 27 years ago…


We certainly felt a sense of accomplishment!!  After this challenge we all took the time to pretty much soak in the fact that today was the exact half-way point of the academy!

After PT I had only one class today, which was Legal Issues for Law Enforcement Leaders.  This is my favorite class off all, basically due to the dynamic teaching abilities of our instructor.  A truly gifted and smart man in constitutional law, who always manages to keep our attention through a normally dry subject by his humor and wit.  I cannot say enough good things about this man’s intelligence…  he is truly a person that when speaking gains my full attention.

Towards the end of today most of my fellow classmates were a little out of whack from the run, but we managed to assemble and vote for our class president.  We chose a great man from Arlington, Texas named J.T.   He did a fantastic job presenting to us and we are all sure he will represent the class well throughout the remainder of the academy.


We ended the evening in the Boardroom with the Karaoke Night.  I decided to represent the West Coast with a rendition of a popular country song…  and killed it (if I don’t say so myself).   It was a great time with such an amazing group of professionals.  I truly enjoy the time I get to spend with all of them.


There are over 100 followers of this blog daily, and I appreciate everyone!  I hope my journaling helps to provide some  insight into my experience during the NA for future candidates and their supporters.





Week 5, Tuesday

Today, I had two classes in the morning; Essentials for Law Enforcement Leadership, and Stress Management.   The Essentials class was group discussions on “Context and Culture” which was interesting to listen and learn from the differing perspectives within the class that represent places all over the US.

The Stress class was on Understanding Police Suicide, which is a topic that our instructor is very knowledgable and passionate about.  He has been personally touched with the tragedy on a few occasions and gave a very intelligent and thoughtful presentation sharing what his research has shown.  The primary focus was sharing research and identifiable symptoms to keep an eye out for. He offered many managerial considerations to help reduce the stigma of asking for help within the PD culture.

More cops die of suicide than are killed by gunfire and traffic accidents combined.


At 12:pm, we boarded buses and headed for a mandatory field trip to the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, DC.


Though I had been to the Holocaust Museum once before, this time we were provided a private tour and additional training in the auditorium there.

This second experience was even more moving than before.  If you had not visited this Museum, I highly recommend it.   It is an unimaginable evil, but like many I feel we have a duty to learn as much as possible about it.


Though it seems like we just had a big fitness challenge, there is one again tomorrow.   “Lion’s Leap” is a 3.1 mile run and the whole class is scheduled to do it in the morning.  We will see how that goes, I am trying not to think about it.

Though I have tried to convince myself otherwise, I have come to grips with the fact that I do not care for running.


Week 5, Monday

This week is the half-way point, which I am glad for.   As much as I am fully emersed in this experience, I do miss my family, friends and coworkers.

The day started with PT, and thankfully we spent the first hour of it in the classroom for fitness instruction.  I am still amazed at how fast our instructor talks and how much energy he has.  My brain is on time delay with him, as I am about 10 second behind in processing the words coming out of his mouth -ha.    

After class instruction, we changed out and headed to the Gym for a solid non-stop workout that really did a number on most of us.   One thing I have to say about this guy though, he is very conscious of reducing any injury risk to the students, and the techniques he teaches in doing some of these difficult exercises are way better then what I have seen some people teach. 

After PT I had three other classes today: Essentials for Law Enforcement Leaders, Media, and Leadership in Violent Crime Investigation.  I received my second APA paper back from the instructor today that I did over the weekend and, well… I am on a roll I guess…

At the end of the day, we had a mandatory dinner event in the Atrium, which was hosted by IACP (International Association of Chiefs of Police), which I am already a member of.   It was a fantastic dinner, with the IACP President himself there to give a great keynote speech and explain more about the benefits of membership. 

After the dinner, I headed to my room where I could finally open two packages that I received during the latter part of the day.

I received wonderful Birthday gifts and cards from Faith, my immediate family, my brothers, sisters, nephews and nieces!!   Reading the cards from everyone was very special to me and it just made my day!!   I am truly blessed!  Thank you Faith for orchestrating all of that!!.

My partner, assistant and friend Maritza also sent me a Birthday present and the contents are definitely counter-productive to my fitness… but our nutrition instructor said we get one cheat day a week, so I will take advantage of it!  Thanks Maritza!
